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What is Advanced Interpretation Certification?

The Hogan Inventories are perceived as rich and complex in the assessment community and many users are looking for more hands-on practice and a more in-depth introduction to interpretation. For this reason, a new module, the Hogan certification Level 2, has been created for practitioners who are certified in the Hogan Personality Inventories and who want to gain greater insights into the interpretation of the results.

What will you learn during the Hogan certification Level 2?

  • Connect the different Hogan data between the scales and between the questionnaires for a more robust interpretation
  • Get the most value out of the subscales
  • Learn advanced interpretation techniques around low HDS and MVPI scores

This workshop will allow you to analyze the Hogan results in greater depth and extract maximum interpretive value.
Thanks to the Hogan certification Level 2, you’ll find more ways in which to use the Hogan results.

For more information :


In French with English manuals

Distance learning format – 2 half-day video conferences from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm (in French with English manuals)

  • May (English) : Thursday 30 and Friday 31
  • September: Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th
  • December: Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th

Presential format – 1 day from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (In French with English manuals)

  • Monday September 16th
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