In a changing professional world, the leadership cards are being reshuffled. What we thought was good for leadership is being challenged.
On Thursday, September 22nd at 3 p.m (CET)
Authentic Talent invites Dr. Hogan (Hogan Assessments) and Christine Vaccola (Sanofi) to rethink leadership

> How to define good leadership today ?

> Why does leadership matter ?

> What does research really say and what data we can use to talk about successful vs Fail leaders ?

> What are the main reasons for failure and how to detect it ?

During 1.5 hrs, our 2 guests will answer these questions and yours:

> Le Dr. Robert Hogan, Founder and President of Hogan Assessments, is the world reference in personality sciences. He will share his contributions to leadership.

> Christine Vaccola, Global Head, Talent Management at Sanofi, will give feedback and share concrete example on the alignment between Sanofi’s Leadership Frame and Hogan Assessments Competency Model.

This conversation will be moderated by Chloë Touati, founder of Authentic Talent.

Want to explore leadership to rethink it?

See you on September 22nd at 3 p.m. for this webinar in English!

Note in your agenda and register online now

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